Seniors' Day 2008

Wednesday, September 17th
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Members of the Friends of Big Sandy Bay will be on hand to take you on a guided tour along the trail. Come and “test drive” the beach friendly wheel chair and visit the new observation deck at Black Lake.

Transportation along the trail by Golf Carts will be generously provided by Alston Moor Golf Links. Seating on the beach will be available. Transportation along the beach to Black Lake via All Terrain Vehicles will be provided by the Township’s Big Sandy Bay Stewardship Committee and Roly’s Backhoe Service.

Light refreshments will be available.

Senior (or not) - if you haven’t been able to walk in – please join us.

For further information, call
David Clark 385-2929 or Linda Van Hal 385-1521

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